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WA Medicaid and CHIP Enrollment is Up 59.5%, Jun-16 Data

Washington is an expansion state, with Medicaid enrollment up 59.5% to 1.8 million from September 2013 through June 2016. During that period, the state added 664,590 Medicaid lives.

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FL Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment is Up 2%, April-16 Data

Medicaid managed care enrollment in Florida increased by 2% in April 2016 compared to year-end 2015 after rising 8.8% in 2015. In 2014, membership doubled, driven implementation of the Florida’s Statewide Medicaid Managed Care program.

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CO RCCO Enrollment Exceeds 980,000, 2015 Data

Five Regional Care Collaborative Organizations in Colorado had more than 980,000 members as of year-end 2015. The state is divided into seven regions, with each RCCO serving one of the seven regions, except Colorado Access, which serves three regions.

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