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- This week, our In Focus section contains excerpts of the key takeaways from A Mid-Year State Medicaid Budget Update for FY 2012 and A Look Forward to FY 2013, published Monday, February 13, 2012, by the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid Read MoreRoundup:
Florida Senate Budget Amendment Incorporates Primary Care Rate Boost
Georgia Task Forces Reviewing Medicaid Redesign Recommendations
Indiana Releases Medicaid Dental Benefits Management RFI
Pennsylvania Proposes Block Grants for Counties
- This week, our In Focus section reviews the Phase I procurement under the Illinois Care Coordination Innovations Project. The Phase I RFP is the first step in a transition toward more managed care and care coordination in the State’s Medicaid Read MoreRoundup:
Florida Senate Budget Proposal Calls for Further Inpatient Reductions
California Trailer Bill Outlines Medicaid Managed Care Expansion Plans
New York Receives CMS Approval for Health Homes
Texas UPL Hearings Underway
Pennsylvania Governor’s Budget Released
Washington Announces County Awards to Selected Managed Care Plans
- This week, our In Focus section reviews recent Medicaid MCO enrollment trends in 13 states. Many state Medicaid agencies elect to post to their website monthly enrollment figures by health plan for their Medicaid managed care population. Read MoreRoundup:
California Releases Dual Eligible RFS
New York Contemplates EmblemHealth Conversion
Florida Considers Change to IGT Rate Calculation
New MLTC Plans Approved in New York
- This week, our In Focus section reviews the recommendations provided to the Georgia Department of Community Health (DCH) by Navigant Consulting in its Friday, January 20, 2012 report. Navigant was contracted by DCH to review the existing Medicaid pro-gram in Read MoreRoundup:
Illinois Releases Phase 1 Care Coordination RFP
Florida House Budget Proposes Provider Rate Changes
New York Governor’s Budget Proposal Calls for Cap on Executive Compensation for State Contractors
- This week we are taking a break from our recent focus on Medicaid Managed Care procurements and dual-eligible care coordination integration projects, to review an emerging trend that is garnering attention among state officials. Specifically, we investigate the potential impact Read MoreRoundup:
Washington Contract Awards Announced
Georgia Consultant’s Report Due This Week
Pennsylvania Caseloads Continue to Decline
New York Governor’s Budget Released
Indiana MMIS RFP
- This week, our In Focus section reviews California Gov., Jerry Brown’s proposed 2012-2013 state budget, focusing particularly on several important changes to Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid program. The budget proposal, released last Thursday, January 5, pro-poses $4.4 billion in new Read MoreRoundup:
Georgia Gov. Budget Proposal Released Today
Ohio Releases Long-Awaited Medicaid Managed Care RFP
Illinois Phase I Care Coordination RFP Due Next Week
Pennsylvania Cuts Impacting Medical Transportation Availability
- This week, our In Focus section reviews the state-submitted letters of intent (LOIs) in response to CMS guidance on financial models for integration of care for dual eligible individuals enrolled in both Medicaid and Medicare. In a letter to state Read MoreIn Focus:Roundup:
Illinois Seeks Waiver to Expand Medicaid Eligibility
California Judge Strikes Down Provider Rate Cuts
Indiana to Issue MMIS RFP
New York Delays Health Home Implementation
California Governor’s Proposed Budget to be Released Next Week
- This week, our In Focus section reviews the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innova-tion (CMMI) Health Care Innovation Challenge. The CMMI Innovation Challenge initia-tive will award a total of $1 billion in funding through contracts of $1 million to $30 Read MoreRoundup:
Waivers Approved In Florida, Massachusetts
California Judge Issues Draft Order Halting Cuts
- This week, our In Focus section highlights a key component of Governor Rick Scott’s budget proposal – the implementation of a new Medicaid hospital payment methodology. The Governor’s budget aims to provide major funding increases to Florida’s public schools, offset Read MoreRoundup:
California Updates Timeframe of Dual Eligible Demonstration Program
Florida Releases Long Term Care RFI
Massachusetts Dual Eligible Draft RFP Released
New York Phase One Health Home Applicants Approved
Texas Waiver Approved by CMS
Pennsylvania Caseloads Continue to Decline
California Exchange Draft RFP Expected Next Week
- This week, our In Focus section highlights some of the key findings of the Fall 2011 Fiscal Survey of the States, released November 28, 2011 by the National Governors Association (NGA) and National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO). Surveys Read MoreRoundup:
Pennsylvania to Implement Pharmacy Limits
Florida Waiver Approval Delayed
Massachusetts Behavioral Health RFP Awards Expected by Year End
Georgia Exchange Recommendations Expected this Month